Bristol Harbour Place Shaping Strategy
‘DK-CM, working with Fourth Street, Savills and Rising Arts Agency, developed a comprehensive 20-year strategy for Bristol’s harbour that ranges from an overarching Vision (informed by intensive, bespoke engagement activities) through to detailed site-by-site Place Plans, a Delivery Plan and Strategic Outline Business Case for discrete elements of the strategy. The Place Shaping Strategy will be the primary tool guiding planning, place-shaping, development, investment and funding in the harbour area up until 2044.
photos by DK-CM
‘DK-CM, working with Fourth Street, Savills and Rising Arts Agency, developed a comprehensive 20-year strategy for Bristol’s harbour that ranges from an overarching Vision (informed by intensive, bespoke engagement activities) through to detailed site-by-site Place Plans, a Delivery Plan and Strategic Outline Business Case for discrete elements of the strategy. The Place Shaping Strategy will be the primary tool guiding planning, place-shaping, development, investment and funding in the harbour area up until 2044.
Bristol’s harbour estate is a complex urban environment of waterspace, parks & green spaces, existing communities (residential, creative and industrial) and development sites. The waterspace alone is 28 hectares and the harbour area received 11m visitors in 2023. DK-CM’s strategic work is intended not only to shape development on a place- and site- specific basis, but also to set out a series of income-generating projects to take forward, and finally a coherent approach to public realm and public transport, in effect reimagining the harbour estate as a waterborne park for the whole city.’
Ther exhibitipon was part of the engagement process with the local communities.
Amandine ( was in charge of the design of the exhibition graphics, supported the spatial layout of the exhibition and lead the installation.
more on DK-CM website
photos by DK-CM︎︎︎ 2023