square, triangle

Editorial design

Project based on these 3 shapes: circle, square, triangle. It was all about how do we interpret those shapes and how do they make us feel.

︎︎︎ This first booklet explores the idea of oppression and being trapped that a circle makes me feel but also this fascination for its really satisfying shape.

︎︎︎ This second booklet is the visual translation— through layout — of words, using only square shapes + the texts layed out are from books, novels, poems that I think are related to the words they represent.

︎︎︎ The triangle booklet is called ‘oppressed interpretation’. It is a mix of the idea of oppression and the process based layout, from the circle and square booklets. The text
layed out is an essay I wrote, describing my interpretations and feelings toward each shape.

if you want more information, a copy or read the text, feel free to contact me
︎︎︎                                                                2019